Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beauty Secret Revealed

So, it's official, I'm old.

Well, at least my hair follicles think so, and Cate. I've had one or two gray hairs since my mid 20's. But for the past 6 years or so I've been coloring my hair, not just highlights or lowlights, but a full color. I'd like to blame it on my kids, or stress, but it's in my genes. My mom was pre-mature gray. But she has a very pretty gray, probably because she was blonde. Mine is coarse and wiry. Wild.

I can't tell you how many hours and dollars I have invested in coloring it every 6 weeks. It needs coloring now. I am actually walking around with gray roots. They are probably about an inch long. I'm not sure if you can tell in the photo above. I'm having a hard time hooking up with my gal, with her busy schedule and me having strep, and both our sons sick too, it's been put on the back burner. So, it had me thinking, maybe I'll stop it all and let my natural grow out.

Cate noticed it the other night and said, you could be a grandma. I guess six-year-olds associate gray hair to being old, well, older. Old enough to be a grandparent at least.

I ran the idea by Jimmy this morning and he wasn't excited. Actually, he was a bit panicky with the thought that his 34-year-old wife, would have gray hair. It doesn't bother me. It's one of two things that shows my Irish side. The other being my freckles. Which I adore.

So, what's your vote? Keep it or color it?

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