Thursday, January 28, 2010

One week later

Well, it's been a week since I put my 10 goals of 2010 on here and I got some really amazing feedback. Thanks everyone!

I was trucking right along with my work-outs and ended up injuring my left leg. I now have a yucky knee brace and a lateral collateral ligament sprain.

Lovely, eh?

It really stinks.

I haven't ever had a knee or leg injury and this has really put my work outs to an abrupt stop. I wouldn't say I was loving the Shred, but it felt good to sweat again and feel my heart pumping and muscles working. After three days in agony I finally saw the doctor yesterday and he put me on limited activity for a week to ten days. I hope to heal quickly and this time I will go see my trainer, Jay.

Which is what I should have done in the first place.

*And because every blog should have a photo, here is one of Liam that I entered in the Baby Contest on Live with Regis and Kelly. I thought maybe it's time he starts bringing in some money and supporting his Puffs habit!

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